时间:2017/6/21 9:45:44
宝贝详情 |
《态度决定一切、细节决定成败。》 公司秉持“不断地发展,不断地变革”为企业宗旨,坚持“务实求精,争创第一”的企业精神,为新老客户提供优良产品、优质服务。 / / / /
● Could you tell me your company can do what kind of circuit board design? 我们业务范围主要有:工业自动化控制板、家电控制板、485/232通信协议电路板、4G/wifi物联网智能控制板、支付宝银联网络收费系统等...... Our business scope mainly include: industrial automation control panel, electrical home appliances control panel, circuit board 485/232 communication protocol, 4 g/wifi Internet of things intelligent control board, pay treasure to unionpay network charge system, etc
●只有想法和思路贵司可以研发设计电路吗? ●Only thoughts and ideas you can develop design circuit? 首先您需要提供一份完整的产品开发资料、逻辑要求,产品尺寸等,最好越详细越好。然后我们会根据您的资料要求进行综合评估。 First of all you need to provide a complete product development data, logic requirements, such as product size, the more detailed, the better best. Then we will according to your requirements for comprehensive evaluation.
●一般开发样品多长时间可以收到呢? ●General development samples how long can receive? 正常最快18天左右可以出样,具体还是根据产品的功能要求及稳定性决定。 General 18 days or so can the fastest sample, concrete is determined according to the requirements of the product function and stability.
●只有样板,没有其他技术资料,可以抄板复制出一样的样品功能吗? ● Only sample, no other technical data, can reproduce the same copy board sample ? 这个具体根据样品的应用范围来定,最好可以提供2块正常的电路样板给予我们测试分析。若最终无法破解建议重新编程开发,具体可以联系在线客服。 This needs to be decided according to the application range of the sample, best can provide 2 pieces of normal sample of the model gives us test circuit. If the sample will not crack advice reprogrammed development, concrete can contact online customer service.
●有样品,但还想稍微修改、增加一些功能可以吗? ●Have a sample, but still want to modify, add some functionality can be slightly? 如果由昊林电路自行开发的产品及后续需要升级或修改等是没问题的。相反,则无法修改,只能通过样品在原有基础上重新开发编程。 If the product developed by us and the subsequent need to upgrade or modify is no problem. In contrast, can't modify, only through the sample on the basis of the original development programming.
●一般大货多长时间可以交货? ●General how long it will take big goods can deliver the goods? 由于每款产品的数量、加工工艺、测试要求不同,时间长短不一且大货完成需全部进行测试,确保每一个产品合格,具体可咨询在线客服! Due to the amount of each product, processing technology, test requirement is different, different length of time and big goods to complete all the test, to ensure that every product is qualified, specific can consult online customer service!
● After receiving if found the problem? |
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